We have the resources for everything you need

When it comes to bringing products to market this is where we shine! Consider us your fractional marketing agency. We do everything from brand design, packaging, product listings, retail marketing activations and displays, go-to-market strategies and sales- We’re kind of awesome!

"We have taken over a dozen brands to market in the cannabis space and we’re kind of good at it."

-Samia, CMO
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We have taken over a dozen brands to market in the cannabis space- we’re kind of good at it!

Our team's expertise in regulatory compliance is unmatched, making us exceptionally skilled at transitioning legacy brands into the legal marketplace. We can transform your current brand to meet regulations, whether that involves updating your current branding and logo or developing a new compliant visual identity from scratch. Our specializations span logo design, digital marketing solutions, print assets, custom packaging, in-store custom retail displays, retail collateral, social media setup, and crafting impactful websites that don’t cost a fortune.

Product Listings


We understand the challenges of getting your products listed with different provincial requirements, from perfecting the photos, angels, macro shots and lighting, to crafting product descriptions for provincial approval. Let us handle that for you.

With our in-depth knowledge of requirements and established provincial connections, we've got you covered.

Retail Marketing


This is our forte! Navigating the complexities of retail can be challenging. With over 1500 retail stores scattered across Canada, optimizing your product's presence may seem daunting. That's where we step in, crafting thorough retail strategies and launch plans to make a splash in the market! We use our Merit Method to get you optimal product placement within the retail space.



This is where we shine! Our team of product educators excels at just that. They educate retail staff about your products, host engaging educational lunch and learns, and ensure your brand's presence is memorable. Let’s face it, people want to do business with people they like. Just because your products are listed with the province doesn’t guarantee retailers will order them. That’s where we come in. Our team of education reps focus on relationships first. It’s part of our “secret sauce” we've nurtured countless valuable connections in the industry, saving you the hassle of door-to-door prospecting.


Why Merit Method?

Our Merit Method is designed to be foolproof. With our deep understanding of regulations in the pharma, cannabis, hemp, and psychedelics sectors, we're experts at navigating the complexities of licensing and market entry. What sets us apart is our 'secret sauce' – that extra edge we bring to every project!
Our team? Well, they're not your average Joes. They're seasoned professionals who've mastered the regulations for years. We've got a secret sauce! and it’s our Merit Method. We're not here to be good; we're here to be the best.
We don't do cookie-cutter solutions. We dive deep into your business, and craft tailored solutions that hit your targets. Consider us an extension of your team, an invested partner, where we work together in achieving those milestones.
Our track record tells the tale. Over 100 licenses obtained since 2016, a dozen cannabis brands launched, hundreds of exports worldwide and 50+ businesses guided towards GMP/GACP and GXP certifications – it's all in a days’ work for us.
We wear our strong client relationships like a badge of honor! Our loyal clients stick with us because we prioritize their needs, not ours. We call it 'Straight Talk' – a communication style that's direct, transparent, and brutally honest. It's woven into our Merit Method, and once clients experience it, let’s just say we’re pretty impressive.